Preserve Family Treasures
While Reclaiming Valuable Space
You can't keep everything,
but you can save your legacy.
Discover guidelines for what to save from your family treasures and what to give to new homes.
Follow action plans that take you from downsizing overwhelm to peace no matter how long you have until you must decrease your household items and save your family legacy.
Become a better genealogy researcher by organizing your most valuable family history records.

What Will You Discover Inside the Book?
Guidelines ◆ Cheat Sheets ◆Action Plans
☑ Discover why most decluttering advice fails as you attempt to downsize while preserving family history.
☑ Learn the guidelines that can help you sift through the contents of your homes, garages, attics, sheds, storage units, barns, or businesses.
☑ Access cheat sheets that you and family members can use to evaluate your family treasures in terms of long-term preservation efforts.
☑ Utilize action plans that help you downsize no matter if you have one hour, one weekend, or one year to complete the challenging and emotionally draining task.
Don't Make My Downsizing Mistakes
Having moved fifteen times in 30 years and lived in four states, I've processed my household goods enough times to know the challenges of downsizing when you want to preserve your family history and the cost of waiting until it's too late to save your heritage.
Additionally, I've participated in downsizing family members and friends who have had one-hour to clear out an apartment to a year to plan for a move to assisted living. I've made nearly every regrettable mistake possible.
Avoid making a similar list of "should have," "would-a," and "if only" errors by following the strategies I curated from decades of mistakes and successes.
Featured on the Genealogy Gems Podcast
The most popular genealogy podcaster, Lisa Louise Cooke, featured Devon Noel Lee on episode 234 of the Genealogy Gems podcast. Lisa said,
"Hopefully everybody will just read the book because it really will guide you. Devon wasn't kidding when she said she has a lot of really great action plans. I love lists. There are lists in here. There are real to-do items, not just theoretical. It's really hands-on."